Social Good Entrepreneur, An Interview by Wayne Zell
In a rare experience as the interrogatee and not the interrogator, Katrina VanHuss is interviewed by old friend and legal expert Wayne Zell, Managing Member and CEO of Zell Law, on his Blueprint for Wealth Podcast. In a wide-ranging interview, Wayne and Katrina discuss topics as varied as:
- Brand – nonprofit versus for-profit, what’s the same and what’s the difference?
- The success of the Pan Mass Challenge under CEO Jarrett Collins
- A comparison of volunteer-led versus staff-led initiatives
- CEO Paula Schneider’s re-engineering of the Susan G. Komen organization
- Early Race For The Cure versus early Relay For Life
- The female experience of the double bind and how it impacts work life
- Why grocery stores are not like nonprofits
- What happened to make Katrina quit selling water bottles and tee shirts
- Insufficient justification and why it matters
- The impact of the social validation feedback loop
- How al-Qaeda works
Yes, Wayne Zell is THAT good of an interviewer, keeping Katrina on the rails and focused for an entire podcast. He is the master, and not just at preserving wealth for his clients through Zell Law.
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