Boards: Five Fixes to Get to Great
A veteran of board management and strategy, Anne Marie Forbes helps to identify, name, and address the most prevalent foibles of dysfunctional boards. We help you see the ways to reach a better place, and even show you some tools that can assist. Whether you are a board member, an Executive Director or CEO, or a staff person responsible for preparing for board meetings, this will be helpful.
Discussion points:
- Bad recruitment—How to stop doing that.
- Bad onboarding—Helping board members understand their job.
- Connection to the strategic plan—Helping board members see and understand the connection.
- Board meeting preparation by staff—Prepping for the meeting without shutting down all other work and avoiding demoralizing staff when their work is not even read by the board members.
- Board meeting preparation by board members—Helping board members show up prepared.
If you want to see the full demo of Zeck software, you can watch the webinar here: